Customisable Rules

The .hygie/.rulesrc file contains all the rules you've configured. Check our example .rulesrc file here.

You can use our existing rules or adding yours. Rules are very simple to add. When you create your own rule, it must extends the Rule class (src/rules/rule.class.ts).

Rule configuration


Each rule must respect the following structure:

- name: commitMessage
  enabled: true
    - MyEvent1
    - MyEventX
    opt1: val1
    optY: valY
    - callback: MyRunnable
        runnableArg1: runnableVal1
        runnableArgZ: runnableValZ


The following properties are all needed :

  • enabled: this boolean specify if the current rule will be used [optional: default true].
  • events: this array contains all events on which the rule will be tested. See the supported events. [optional: default define in each rule]

    If you provide a value, it will overwrite defaults values, not append it.

  • options: this object regroup all metadata you need to fill your needs. You can add any attribute you want (string, boolean, array, object...), it will be accessible in the validate() method.
  • onSuccess(onError, onBoth): this object is an array of post-actions (or callback functions) which will be called if the rule success (fails or both). The callback must be a Runnable class. It takes an args object as arguments. As the options, you can create as many argument as you want.

These callbacks are called sequentially and do not return value (void type).

Templating with handlebars

Post-actions args support templating: Hygie use handlebars js.

Consequently, you can inject data processed by the validate() method of the current rule (name attribute). You can see the validate() method section for more informations.

For example, you can iterate over the data.commits array of CommitMessageRule, and display the commit's sha and the differents groups captured by the regexp options.

You can also access the environment variables you've configured via the env prefix. More informations in the Enviroment Variable section.

  - callback: WebhookRunnable
      data: '{
        "embeds": [
          {{#foreach data.commits}}
            "title": "Commit #{{sha}} = Object: {{matches.[1]}} | Scope: {{matches.[2]}} | Issue: {{matches.[3]}}",
            "color": 1127128

The foreach keyword has been add to solve the trailing-comma's problem. When you use it, it will add a comma at the end of the pattern, except for the last one element of the array.

Create your own rule

If you want to create a new type of rule, you can create your own class. This class must extend the abstract Rule class, and implement the validate() method. This method contains all your business logic.


The easiest way to create it is to use our CLI: hygie-cli.

Simply run : npm run generate:rule RULENAME.

You need to have @nestjs/cli install globally. Therefore, run npm install -g @nestjs/cli.

This CLI will create your rule file and add everything necessary in the project. You just have to focus on your business logic.

validate() method

Each Rule, have a validate() method as follows:

export class MyCustomRule extends Rule {
  // ...

  async validate(
    webhook: Webhook,
    ruleConfig: MyCustomRule,
    ruleResults?: RuleResult[],
  ): Promise<RuleResult> {
    const ruleResult: RuleResult = new RuleResult(
      .event('Rule', 'myCustom', webhook.getCloneURL())


    ruleResult.validated = true | false; = {
      myData: 'this is some data',
      myArray: ['val1', 'val2', 'val3'],
    return ruleResult;

This method return a RuleResult object, containing the validated boolean attribute and a data object. You can custom this last property, and then, use it in your callbacks.