Getting Started

Directory structure

If you want to use the Hygie API, you need to create a .hygie folder in your root directory.

This folder will be fetched everytime you interact with our API.

├── .hygie
│  ├── .rulesrc
│  └── cron-*.rulesrc
└── package.json

It contains the following files:

  • .hygie/rulesrc: all the rules and post-actions you configured (see the config generator),
  • .hygie/cron-*.rulesrc: all rules that will be evaluated in a cron job. Same as the rulesrc file, check out our config generator. * is a wildcard; eg: cron-vulnerabilities.rulesrc or cron-1.rulesrc.

    You can create as many Cron files as you want.

Repository registration

You also need to register your repository in our server.

If you don't register your credentials, you will not be able to interact with your git repository (ie. create comment, update commit status, etc.).

Running the project

If you want to run this project, you have different choices :

Turnkey solutions

With these turnkey solutions, you can't create your custom rules, to do that, check the next section.

From our public API

The easiest solution is to use directly our public API to getting started and discover our solution.

Our API is currently running at :

Run our Docker image from DockerHub

If you just want to test our project, without cloning it, you can run a container with one of the existing versions in DockerHub.

You can simply run a container:

docker run --name=webhook-container -v webhook-vol:/app -p 3000:3000 dxdeveloperexperience/hygie:0.23.0

Clone and extend it

Cloning this project allows you to extend it and create custom rules and runnables.

If you create rules or post-actions that can be usefull for others, please ask for a PR!

From our Github repository

First, clone our project and go to the root directory:

git clone
cd hygie

Then, simply run :

npm install
npm run start

The application is now running at localhost:3000

To check if everything's alright, you should get a welcome message.

Build your own Docker image

You can create a docker image of our Hygie API.

First, clone our project and go to the root directory :

git clone
cd hygie

Then, build it:

docker build -t my-webhook .

This will execute the Dockerfile config file.

Finally, you can run the Docker image:

docker run --name webhook-container -d -p 3000:3000 my-webhook

Github/Gitlab webhook configuration

Once the API is running, you can add a webhook to your git repository with the url : You can also select the events you want to receive, or select all of them.

You can use ngrok to convert localhost url to public url.


You can add as many webhooks as you want. Just go to your repository settings:, add click the Add webhook button.

Now you can :

  • configure the Payload URL,
  • check if Content type is set to application/json,
  • select the send me everything option,
  • save this configuration.


Go to your repository integrations settings:, configure the webhook URL and select all the events you want to intercept. Finally, save it via the Add webhook button.