Template Flip Card


Flip card


Configuration file specificity

In the config.json file, the template name is flip-card.

  "template": "flip-card",
  "templateParams": {
    "rectoCardLogo": "assets/recto.webp",
    "versoCardLogo": "assets/verso.webp",
    "cardGradientColor1": "rgba(191,30,104,1)",
    "cardGradientColor2": "rgba(238,34,56,1)",
    "cardHeadColor": "white"

Click on the card to see the configuration details

Flip card


Params can be set :

  • rectoCardLogo path to the recto footer image. default: none.
  • versoCardLogo path to the verso footer image. Can be same as rectoCardLogo. default: none.
  • cardGradientColor1 first color of the recto head gradient square. default: red as this card.
  • cardGradientColor2 second color of the recto head gradient square. default: red as this card.
  • cardHeadColor color of head square text, must contrast with cardGradientColor. default: white.

Flip card


Markdown specific tags to use with this template

Example diagram

Flip card template use some custom markdown tag as card, recto, verso and head to allow you to control how to place your content.

Click on the card to see example

Flip card


::::: card

:::: recto

::: head
__Context sentence__
# Title of the card
> Quote sentence

![An optional image](assets/image.png "...")
The front content

:::: verso
The back content
::: img small|medium|large
![An optional image](assets/image.png "...")


Flip card

Export cards

PDF / Print export is available on this template

Flip card can be exported in PDF or print. Just use print function of your browser.


This will generate A5 sized card (front and back side by side). So export it as A5 support of A4 portrait.

Flip card

Nothing to see here !