Cheatsheet quick start


Quick start

First, to contribute to zenika-open-source/cheatsheets you must have an account on github.

Then you have to clone git repository and create a branche named feature/YOUR_CHEATSHEET (e.g. feature/quick_start).


Now you can create a new folder cheatsheets/YOUR_CHEATSHEET with a basic structure :

│   ├── config.json
│   ├──
│   |   ├── assets
│   |   |   ├── logo.png

Config file

Config file config.json represent the metadatas of your cheatsheet.

  "template": "grid-flow",
  "mainColor": "#5151c5",
  "secondaryColor": "#3e3e98",
  "name": "Template Column",
  "description": "The description that appear on the main page",
  "categoryId": "iot",
  "icon": "assets/logo.png",
  "templateParams": {...}
  • template: template you want to use, see template list to choose one
  • mainColor: your main color, appear in header & footer
  • secondaryColor: your secondary color, appear in header & footer
  • name: name of the cheatsheet, use in header
  • description: a quick description of the content
  • categoryId: category id of /cheatsheets/categories.json file
  • icon: image around 80px x 80px use in header
  • templateParams: template specific params, see template cheatsheet


Some categories already exists in project /cheatsheets/categories.json file, but you can add one if needed.

To do that you have to add an item in the json array with specific properties

    "id": "category_ref",
    "name": "Category name",
    "icon": "material_icon"
  • id: the reference you can use next id cheatsheet config.json
  • name: the name display in website
  • icon: material icon name you can find on google font website

Note: categories order in json file is important

Markdown file

Cheatsheet must be write in markdown in the file.

Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text. You can find next basic syntax of markdown to help you to begin.

Additionally, some template can integrate custom markdown syntax, please refer to the template cheatsheet.


# Level 1 title
## Level 2 title
### Level 3 title


**bold text**
*italic text*
~~strikethrough text~~
> blocquote
`code string`


Ordered List

1. Item 1
2. Item 2
3. Item 3

Unordered List

 - Item 1
 - Item 2
 - Item 3


Block of code

```lang     => for syntax colorization (e.g.: html, java, ts,...)
```         => end of code block



Rich text

![alt text](assets/image.png)


|  Header 1   | Header 2    | Header 3 |    Header 4 |
| ----------- |:------------|:--------:|------------:|
|   cell 1    | aligne left | centered | align right |
|   cell 1    | cell 2      |  cell 3  |      cell 4 |

The markdown text above will generate the HTML table bellow :



Header 1 Header 2 Header 3 Header 4
cell 1 aligne left centered align right
cell 1 cell 2 cell 3 cell 4

Test & render

For now, to test you have to start cheatsheet engine locally on your computer. You have to :

  • install LTS version of NodeJS
  • start a shell (terminal on linux or powershell on windows)
  • navigate to root of cheatsheet project (where you can find package.json file)
  • execute npm install and wait execution
  • execute npm run start:dev

This last command will start a webserver and refresh it at every changes on your files.

You can now access your local instance of cheatsheets at http://localhost:8080/.


Hop hop hop ! Before deploying your great job, you have to submit your work to the community for review.

Push your work on your previoulsy created git branch and go to github to submit a pull request.

  • Select Pull requests tab at the top of the page
  • Click on Create pull request
  • In base drop down, select your branche
  • Make sure compare branche is main
  • Then click on Create pull request

You can write a message to explain why you write this cheatsheet and add some useful information to reviewers.

Now you can wait for a review, your incredible cheatsheets will be merge as soon as possible.